Did Man Create God?


The problem of evil


    One of the most difficult conundrums that religion has had to face over the centuries is the “problem of evil.” If God is a loving and compassionate being why does he let so many evil things happen?...

    This chapter addresses the many different answers that priests, rabbis, clerics, imams, theologians and other keepers of the faith have proposed for one of the most problematic of the questions that religion has to deal with. [p593]

    The “problem of evil” is one of the greatest challenges for religion to explain. While many solutions have been proposed none adequately deals with the fact that an all powerful, personal, caring God could eliminate the worst aspects of evil if he wanted to. The one solution that is the most logically satisfying to the thinking brain is to assume that Man Created God – in which case the “problem of evil” disappears. [p596]

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